Aeris Environmental Enzymatic Technology Cleaning Solutions

Aeris Environmental has developed a range of consumable products to clean, treat and coat surfaces to prevent microbial and fungal growth such as mould and biofilms in the food processing industry.
Listed with the Australian Securities Exchange (ASX) and accredited by the International Standards Organisation (ISO), the company uses patented anti-microbial technology to increase the performance and sustainability of controlled environments, as well as prevent cross-contamination.
Aeris Environmental’s technologies are designed to deliver a cost-effective and energy-efficient cleaning solution that is also environmentally safe. It is independently evaluated and certified by the National Association of Testing Authorities (NATA certified laboratories), the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO), Hazard and Critical Control Point (HACCP) and National Sanitation Foundation (NSF).
Multi-enzymatic technology for pharmaceutical cleaning
Aeris Environmental’s products utilise an enzyme-based solution instead of traditional chemical-based methods. It meets critical international cleaning standards ISO15883 and AS4187, as well as ISO 15883, which is the European and Australian benchmark test for the removal of organic debris.
The company’s multi-enzyme formulations typically lose less than 5% enzyme activity over three years and a number of its formulations have a four-year shelf life, in comparison with traditional products that have been shown to lose up to 30% activity within three months.
HVAC&R optimisation system and decontamination
AerisGuard optimises heating, ventilation, air-conditioning and refrigeration (HVAC&R) assets by removing contamination from coils, surfaces and ductwork. It utilises Aeris Environmental’s anti-microbial surface treatments and multi-enzyme technology, which do not damage the HVAC&R system and help protect it from recontamination.
The solution is used to clean, protect and optimise HVAC&R systems. It comprises coil cleaners and treatments, corrosion-resistant coil coatings, the SmartENERY platform for compressor optimisation, duct sealants, condensate pan treatment, filter treatments and surface cleaners.
The SmartENERY platform is an energy-efficient technology that is integrated into newly installed units or retrofitted into existing systems. It provides automatic reporting to monitor energy and performance.
The AerisGuard range is developed to be safe for both the end user and the environment, as well as more effective for the asset. It also improves indoor air quality and machine performance.
Real-time monitoring and control of centralised assets
Aeris Environmental’s AerisVIEW is a standalone Cloud-based network that monitors and manages climate-controlled environments. The system is scalable across a wide range of centralised assets, allowing real-time monitoring, analytics and reporting.
This modular approach helps reduce operating costs and electricity usage by optimising plant systems. It calculates maintenance requirements and performs lifecycle analysis to improve performance and extend asset life.
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