Envirochemie has won a contract for the planning, construction, and commission of two biological wastewater treatment plants for ABC Atlas Bottling Maroc.
The purpose of the biological wastewater treatment plants is to ensure compliance with the Moroccan limit values for discharging treated water. Effective prevention of odour emissions is also required.
At both locations, the project encompassed the implementation of multi-stage biological wastewater treatment plants where wastewater is treated anaerobically using the Biomar ASBx process and aerobically using the Biomar OBR process. Since 2012, treatment quantities have ranged from 700 m³ wastewater per day at the location in Tangier to 800 m³ wastewater per day at the location in Oujda.
Another benefit for the customer is the biogas generated during biological wastewater treatment, which enables an energy yield of more than 3,500 KW per day, resulting in a noticeable reduction of primary energy consumption.