On 7 April a Danish trade delegation headed by Danish Minister for Food, Agriculture and Fisheries Mr Dan Jørgensen visited Palsgaard’s newly inaugurated emulsifier factory in Johor Bahru during a visit to Malaysia and Singapore. The aim was to understand how Danish companies could enter the Asian markets as successfully as Palsgaard has.
The delegation visited the factory to learn how Palsgaard has built the most modern and automated emulsifier plant in the world, which is now ready to serve the demands of the growing Asian markets. During the visit, Palsgaard CEO Mr Jakob Thøisen presented the company’s strategy and roadmap to a successful presence in a global setting, with a special focus on a planning phase and good cooperation with local authorities.
"We are of course honoured to receive the minister and the Danish delegation here at our emulsifier factory in Malaysia, and we are also happy to inspire and help other Danish companies to gain [a] foothold in this highly interesting Asian region," Thøisen said.
Palsgaard is a global specialist in the manufacture of emulsifiers and stabilisers for bakery, confectionery, dairy, mayonnaise and dressings, ice cream and margarine. It has a thorough, international knowledge of the sector. With factories in Denmark, Holland, Mexico, Malaysia and China, and with pilot plants in Denmark, Mexico and Singapore, the company is globally focused both in production and product development.
For more information, please contact Palsgaard.