Antibiotics are used in apiculture to treat bacterial diseases, such as foulbrood. Antimicrobial drugs are effective against these diseases; however, antibiotic drug residues in honey pose a risk to human health. As a result, the use of antimicrobials in apiculture is strictly regulated or banned. Randox Food Diagnostics offers excellent tools for on-site screening of antimicrobials in honey.
Multi analyte screening
Our unique multi-analyte testing platform, the Evidence Investigator, allows for simultaneous detection of multiple residues from a single honey sample.
Benefits of multi-analyte screening:
- Higher throughput – 45 samples assessed in under two hours
- Cost savings – significant cost savings compared with LC/MS MS
- Meets regulations – conforms to all regulatory requirements; recently received USDA approval
- Full antibiotic profile – complete antibiotic test menu offered over four arrays
Arrays available:
- Antimicrobial Array I Plus
- Antimicrobial Array II
- Antimicrobial Array III
- Antimicrobial Array IV
ELISA tests kits
ELISA test kits offer a cost-effective screening method for honey analysis in lower volume throughput laboratories.
Benefits of ELISA test kits:
- Single sample preparation across various ELISA kits – generally the honey sample will only require dilution and or/filtration
- Rapid analysis – 40 samples can be analysed in 90 minutes
- Simplified set up – Biotek plate readers and software offered for initial laboratory set up
- Excellent generic antibodies for several ELISAs
ELISA tests available:
- Chloramphenicol
- Flumequine
- Streptomycin
- Sulphamethoxazole
- Tetracyclines