The honey industry is quickly becoming an extremely ‘buzzy’ marketplace. Producers want to ensure that their product meets the industry standards for safety and quality.
To ensure a healthy colony of bees requires treatments that can leave behind drug residues in the product, creating a need for it to be tested. Other factors, including the sugar content, have big impacts on the quality of the honey so testing is used to ensure a superior product.
Indian honey producers Dabur India has recently set up a mobile honey testing laboratory fitted with the Randox Food Evidence Investigator and RX misano technology allowing them to test its honey for drug residues and quality factors in different locations throughout the country efficiently.
This new portable lab means Dabur can test honey on site and isolate positive samples for confirmation testing at its main laboratory. The use of biochip array technology ensures reliable results that are strongly comparable to Liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (LC/MC-MS) in a short space of time.
The RX misano brings the most modern enzymatic analysis technology to the honey processing industry and can be used for the analysis of diastase, Hydroxymethylfurfural (HMF), total sugars, and honey colour. Using enzymatic principles, the RX misano provides users with accurate and trusted results.
Head of healthcare research at Dabur India Dr J L N Shastri has stated: "Our plan is to use the mobile lab as a pilot project and then we want to expand by setting up three more mobile testing labs to reach further locations. We wish to revolutionize the honey industry by providing Pure and Safe honey to our customers across India and also in the UAE, the UK, Canada, and the US."