Rotronic’s new CRP5 cleanroom panel is fitted with a diaphragm sensor and validated according to good manufacturing practices (GMP) directives.
The panel is suitable in situations when a high-degree of cleanliness is vital and a precise measurement of differential pressure, humidity, and temperature is needed. With optical buttons, the magnet-mounted, removable HC2-CRP humidity and temperature probe permits efficient and effective cleaning.
Up to 6 measurement values and messages can be displayed via the CRP5’s graphical colour display. The colours can be adjusted individually.
Alarms for faults, exceeded limit values, and warnings are highlighted on the CRP5 display. These can also be forwarded digitally via MODBUS, Ethernet, or relays. Thanks to its analog and digital communication capabilities, the CRP5 is very easy to integrate into monitoring systems.
The CRP5 is used particularly in cleanrooms in hospitals and in the pharmaceutical, electronics, and foodstuffs industries. In addition, it is used wherever small variances in pressure are monitored.
The comprehensive functional capability of the CRP5 provides a solution for many measurement and control tasks.