Temperature Technology Measurement and Monitoring Instruments

Temperature Technology provides temperature monitoring solutions for large and small organisations for many different projects, from school canteens, to research laboratories, refrigerated storage, and transport.
The company has made data loggers for temperature for 20 years. Many of the first models are still in use. The company uses its many years of experience and continued development to provide up-to-date solutions that meet client expectations.
T-TEC data loggers
The T-TEC data loggers record over time and store logs in a large internal memory, which can then be downloaded to a PC. Data can be presented as a graph, or exported to a spreadsheet programme. Windows-based software is updated regularly.
The logger’s instruments are of industrial quality, have high-accuracy, are sturdy, and are watertight to IP68. Its long-lasting batteries are user replaceable for easy maintenance. The unit is also manufactured to ISO9001.
Data loggers for food manufacture, transport, refrigeration and HACCP
T-TEC Data loggers continually monitor and store temperature and/or humidity records for quality control and hazard and critical control points (HACCP). They are widely used in trucks and transport, cold storage, refrigerators, and freezers.
The loggers can also be used to monitor a process and provide proof for instance of sterilisation, heat treatment, and for small goods, hams, and roasts of cooling.
Classic USB connected and wireless data loggers
Temperature Technology manufactures two different kinds of data logger. Classic loggers are connected to the PC via a USB cable for communication, then put in place to passively log temperature over time. The new wireless loggers communicate via radio and are active. They send temperature updates, alarms, and files remotely.
Passive industrial data loggers for measuring temperature and humidity
The classic T-TEC data logger records temperature, humidity, and milliAmps (mA) inputs. The unit is used in a range of industries, including food processing. The T-TEC datalogger must be connected to a computer for initiation and it is then transferred to the location that requires measurement. Once the desired length of time is reached, the device is re-attached via USB to a computer and data can be downloaded.
Active wireless data loggers report at pre-set intervals
T-TEC RF loggers stay where they measure and communicate via radio to the PC. The loggers send live temperature updates to the computer at pre-set intervals. It is also possible to see the current temperature on the PC screen at any time.
In addition, the user can access the readings from all loggers at any time. This saves time and the logger files are not disrupted. Many gateways can receive updates from the loggers.
Data logger remote alarms for full control
The new wireless logger system can send alarms via email and SMS text for ease-of-mind. Up to three different email recipients and three phone numbers can be set to receive these notifications for emergencies.
Alarms will also appear as notifications on connected computers and on the logger display. The datalogger recording an alarm will be highlighted in red in the list and alarm messages will appear in the corner of the screen, even if the programme is only running in the background. It is also possible to be alerted via a MQTT broker/server.
Temperature and humidity measurement data updates and storage
When a file is downloaded to the PC, the latest logs are attached to the existing file. These can span a long time. To start a new data set, the logger must be stopped and re-started. Each data set is labelled by the date of the first measurement, as well as the name or location of the unit. This makes it fast and easy to retrieve older data.
Cloud storage for food processing and transportation measurements
Data recorded by T-TEC data loggers can be shared via cloud storage either through a client’s own server in-house or the T-TEC cloud via the internet for a small subscription fee.
Cloud storage means data can be seen by offices worldwide. It is also possible to control data loggers remotely in this way.
For added safety and security, there is an option for restricting access so other users can see the data but not stop and start the logger.
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