Triton Commercial Systems Production Recording and Labelling Systems

Triton Commercial Systems, the premier supplier of production recording and labelling systems, has been developing production recording, weight, labelling and inventory control systems for the meat and food processing industry since 1984.
Our staff are highly experienced and have a depth of understanding about the food processing industry that enables us to produce quality products that are efficient, flexible and easy-to-use.
Continuous product development
Triton’s product development is continuous and effectively deployed every year. We also have a number of other developments in focus, including:
- Higher levels of auto ID/Weigh/Record/Label automation
- Better processing yields, "Profitability and Yield System" (PAYS™) ensuring you get the most from every carcase, with higher net-value recovery
- Best case ready product presentation, auto weigh-labelling of retail-ready product
Software for meat and food processors
Our systems are completely standalone, but can be integrated into business financial systems including ERP as required.
Software functions available through Triton include:
- Process recording: a user-friendly, fast system to give you the information you need
- Reporting: real-time processing reports that let you know exactly what is happening
- Product label presentation and content: ‘design to suit’, foreign-language text and characters, graphics, prices and date information
- Stock control: product movement tools with portable RF scan terminals
- Inventory control: age and quantity tracking of stock for domestic and international distribution
Triton has a range of system suites designed for specific needs and industries. These can be customised and integrated with existing business administration systems, to enhance real-time costing and profitability feedback data. These include:
- Animal grading systems: a single framework accommodates beef, lamb, pork, venison and goat, which provides simultaneous national grading schedules and item grades with supplier feedback and in-house reporting
- Boning Room Input: ‘Internal stock transfer’ monitoring controls to ensure only the correct grade and quality of product move to the next process stage
- Piece/cut weigh-label: including auto ID, sort by weight and multiple languages for international retail
- Carton weigh label: production recording and yield management, including multiple languages and product identification
- Work order monitoring/production control: batch and lot identify and isolation
- Barcode scanning: inventory and movement control with real-time verification and automatic updates to the inventory
- Hide and pelt grading: weigh, measure, labelling and palletising in one suite
Triton’s team of experienced developers can also build custom systems designed to suit your needs effectively and economically. If you require a specific system, or would like to know more, please contact us for details.
Powerful hardware for food and meat processing
Triton produces a range of harsh environment computers designed specifically for the food and meat processing industry. Our products are simple and easy to use, meaning training staff to use them is straightforward. They are also powerful, reliable and flexible, ensuring they keep your operation running smoothly with minimal downtime and maintenance.
We also supply scales and labellers from preferred brands, or can load the appropriate windows drivers for your existing labellers to ensure your system works smoothly.
Triton’s automated systems are ideal for efficient processing. These include auto identification, including barcoding and RF, and label systems and applicators.
Harsh environment computer terminals
Triton’s range of fully washdown, colour-screen terminals are compact and easy to use. They can be loaded with Windows XP, Vista or our own software, allowing you to get a system that matches your needs.
The 860SE Workstation is one of the smaller boxes on the market but with one of the larger screens, at 17in, perfect for organisations looking for ‘more for less’. Operations with confined spaces will find the 840SE Workstation ideal, as its 10in notebook-style screen is compact but highly functional.
In addition, we design and manufacture ergonomic work stations, frames and enclosures designed specifically for the food and meat processing industry. Our products and systems are simple and easy to use, meaning training staff to use them is straightforward, with minimal downtime and maintenance.
We supply scales and labellers from preferred brands, or can often use the appropriate windows drivers for existing labellers.
Triton’s automated systems enhance efficient processing. These include auto identification, including barcoding and RF, and label systems and applicators.
Longstanding supplier to international markets
We have a wealth of experience in the food processing industry dating back three decades. Triton has provided products for Australia, New Zealand, the US, Canadian and European markets and our staff are very experienced and knowledgeable about the industry’s needs.
If you would like to find out more about Triton or our products, please use the contact form below.
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411a Great South Rd
New Zealand
Bldg 1/747 Lytton Rd
Unit 2/6 Burdale Street
New Zealand
Suite E2, University of Ballarat Technology Park
University Drive
Mt Helen