ENDETEC Safe Water Integrity, Environmental Monitoring and Process Control

ENDETEC™ specialises in developing innovative contamination sensor solutions that minimise risks whilst ensuring water quality.
Our advanced, automated systems provide continuous in-pipe monitoring of chemical pollutants and early warning detection of microbiological contamination, including harmful pathogens such as bacteria and chemicals, as well as their by-products.
Our systems ensure water quality and, consequently, the quality of the environment. ENDETEC’s cutting-edge solutions can ensure secure water distribution for the food production industry.
Protection and detection systems for water status information
We have an original range of protection and detection products to provide fast and accurate information about your water status. ENDETEC’s products can detect both chemical and biological contaminants in water.
ENDETEC’s quality assured TECTA™ and KAPTA™ product ranges use new measurement technologies and offer guaranteed enhanced performance and increased security.
Automated on-site microbial detection systems
Our TECTA™ products employ ENDETEC’s patented PolymerPartition technology to provide fully automated on-site microbiology testing, without the need for a microbiologist or third-party testing laboratory.
TECTA™ technology provides early warning of E.coli and Coliform contamination in your water, with accurate results available in two to 18 hours, depending on the contamination level.
This product range offers continuous sample monitoring and immediate notification of positive sample results as soon as they occur.
ENDETEC’s TECTA™ products include bench-top instruments and all-in-one pathogen detection test cartridges.
In-line water contaminant identification sensors
Featuring miniaturised semi-conductor sensors, ENDETEC’s range of KAPTA™ in-line, water contaminant identification sensors enhance the management and control of the drinking water distribution network.
Our battery-operated KAPTA™ range is chemical free and does not interfere with chloramines. KAPTA™ in-line sensors can measure the main disinfection species and transmit real-time telemetry data to a central server.
Using innovative technology, KAPTA™ sensors monitor four water parameters:
- Chlorine
- Conductivity
- Pressure
- Temperature
KAPTA™ products have easy field installation, with direct insertion in pipe, under pressure, using a standard collar and valve.
Development of sensor and detection technologies
ENDETEC™ is a division of Veolia Water Solutions and Technologies group and has three main centres for the development of sensor and detection technologies:
- Microbiological centre, Kingston in Canada – specialises in researching and developing fast, automated microbiological detection technologies for municipal and industrial water testing
- Electro-chemical centre, Neuchâtel in Switzerland – focuses on the development and manufacture of microchip sensors that measure multi-parameter in-pipe, for drinking water networks and industrial applications
- Biochip centre, Neuchâtel in Switzerland – is dedicated to developing surface biofunctionalisation technology for environmental, life science and medical industries, providing patented linker polymer technology and proprietary surface functionalisation technologies
Products and Services
Related Projects
Press Release
Veolia Water is proud to annouce the launch of the new innovative sensor solution from ENDETEC™: the KAPTA™ 2000-AC2 in-line chlorine sensor for municipal and industrial applications.
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Biosciences Complex
116 Barrie Street
K7L 3N6
Rue Jaquet-Droz 7
Case Postale 216
Jaquet-Droz 1