FGM Consultants Training Courses and Consultancy Services for the Meat and Food Processing Industries

FGM Consultants provides professional training courses and consultancy services for the meat and food processing industry. We train your staff to the highest standard, to enable them to function effectively and efficiently in today’s business environment.
Our comprehensive, hands-on training for the food processing industry is backed by our 100% guarantee. The long-term results for your organisation include improved productivity and greater harmony within your company.
Full-service consulting for the meat and food industry
FGM Consultants offers the following consultancy services to the meat industry:
- Animal welfare training and construction advice
- Full abattoir consultations specialising in ‘green field’ start up operations
- FGM can provide meat industry specialists to work ‘hands on’ in start up production lines, or staff to work alongside existing operators to improve yields
- ‘Paddock to plate’ solutions
FGM Consultants is a full-service consulting firm focused on assisting both small and large companies in the food industry through:
- Diagnosing organisational and individual development needs
- Offering quality training and consulting customised to each client’s unique environment
- Assisting clients in meeting specific objectives that support their goals and business direction
- Elevating the standard for client satisfaction and service quality
Meat processing training
FGM Consultants offers training courses for the meat processing industry. Our wide range of meat processing training includes the following meat processing certificate training courses:
- Certificate II Meat Processing (Abattoirs)
- Certificate II Meat Processing (Food Services)
- Certificate III Meat Processing (Boning)
- Certificate III Meat Processing (Food Services)
- Certificate III Meat Processing (Slaughtering)
- Certificate III Meat Processing (General)
- Certificate IV Meat Processing (Leadership)
- Certificate IV Meat Processing (Quality Assurance)
- Certificate IV Meat Processing (General)
Training for Certificate I, II and III in Food Processing
Our traineeships are open to all, and our courses may be delivered with Victorian government funding to eligible candidates. We are approved to offer training courses for Certificate I in Food Processing, Certificate II in Food Processing and Certificate III in Food Processing.
Food transport and distribution training
Our food transport and distribution training includes Certificate II Transport and Distribution (Warehousing) and Certificate III Transport and Distribution (Warehousing).
RSA training and food safety training
Additional courses we offer are: Responsible Serving of Alcohol (RSA), Food Safety Supervisors Training, and Food Safety Training Level 1 – interactive and self-paced via computer.
Nationally recognised food industry training
We strive to give members of the food industry the opportunity to learn new skills regardless of location, age, gender, race or previous education. We design and deliver unique training and consultancy services, and personalised mentoring, that lead to company growth for our clients.
FGM Consultants is a registered training organisation that provides nationally recognised food industry training.
Food safety auditing, consultancy and project management
Other services we offer include:
- Qualified ISO quality systems and food safety auditors – Quality Society of Australasia
- Registered third-party auditor for AUS–MEAT
- Food innovation and development
- Management consultancy
- Multimedia business communication
- Food safety manual compilations
- Project management for meat and livestock
Products and Services
White Papers
Related Projects
Press Release
FGM Consultants has engaged to deliver the MINTRAC certificate in meat processing, certificate II or certificate III level, as determined by their training program, for the Boys from the Bush, a remote area work scheme (RAWS) project. Thanks to Michael Grogan of FGM Consultants the form
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645 Old Sale Road
Brandy Creek
Victoria 3821