influx Process Technology Expertise in the Dairy and Brewery Industries

influx offers process technology expertise in the dairy and brewery industries. The key term for us is process optimisation. influx was founded in 1999 and delivers process plants for food, brewery-beverage and dairy industries.
We advise throughout the process of clarification, analysis, design, planning and execution of projects, and we also advise about renovation of existing facilities.
Our technicians have good process solutions, and we wish to enter into partnerships in the role of a turnkey supplier.
Depending on the scope of the project, we can prepare PI diagrams and layouts in CAD programs; dimensioning of components and pipe systems; and documentation.
CIP systems
Is cleaning your production plant becoming a challenge? Is the CIP cycle optimal? Has the tank capacity of the CIP system become too small? What about flow rates? Can the economics be improved by re-using the chemicals and water?
All of these issues can be clarified by talking to a technician from influx.
Pasteurisation systems
influx manufactures systems for heat treatment of most liquid products. These pasteurisation systems may include plate heat exchangers, scraped surface heat exchangers or tube heat exchangers, depending on products and consistencies. We are also happy to assist with the optimisation of existing systems.
Dairy manufacturing equipment
In addition, influx can supply dairies with milk storage tanks, milk reception, and manufacturing equipment for cheese, butter and yoghurt.
Mixing expertise
influx has solved a number of tasks requiring the mixing of products. These can involve dissolving powders, adding ingredients or mixing together a large number of different raw materials in different combinations. We also have experience with recipe management for mixing tasks, where the addition of raw materials occurs automatically after being typed in at the screen.
Combining mixing tasks with pigging can offer many advantages – speak to our technicians to find out more.
Sugar dissolving systems
The entire process takes place in a cold state and completely automatically. Mixing water and sugar in a special nozzle system, all the sugar is soon dissolved, resulting in a solution with the desired brix level. If relevant, the solution is fed into a mixing system and then dispensed automatically. Finally, the piping system can be emptied using a pig.
Manufacturing, installation and servicing
We manufacture equipment as separate units and deliver these together with pipe systems, control cabinets and electrical wiring as a turnkey project. Our installation technicians are experienced in installation and connecting up our units. They are all certified in welding stainless-steel pipe under DS/EN287-1. It is important that all pipes and components can be cleaned, and grips and visual components are appropriately placed.
We are also pleased to offer a complete service of your process plant: change of valve gaskets, shaft seals, servicing homogeniser and plate heat exchangers, etc.
influx offers training of staff whatever the purpose is – whether CIP or starting up a new production. This training can be carried out on-site or in Denmark.
influx may be able to offer long-term financing (up to five years) when purchasing technology from influx. The financing is made possible through a co-operation with our Danish bank, guaranteed by EKF. EKF is the Danish Export Credit Foundation – a state-owned organisation helping Danish exporters.
Please contact influx for more information about our services.