Smart Surface Technologies Organic Sanitising Solutions for High-Performance Cleaning in Food Facilities

Smart Surface Technologies provides cleaning and sanitising solutions with its partner Aussan Labs.
The ECOLOGY range comprises 100% natural, food-safe cleaning agents that are designed to replace the harmful synthetic chemicals that are often used in the food industry. Solutions are suitable for everyday hygiene maintenance in food-handling facilities.
Certified organic sanitisation solutions for food-handling companies
Smart Surface Technologies’ products are certified to be suitable for Organic Input Production by NASAA in Australia and contain only natural ingredients. Manufactured in Australia, the affordable ECOLOGY range is effective at high-performance cleaning.
Smart Surface Technologies works closely with companies in industries such as food retail and processing, cold room storage and transport, hotels, childcare and agriculture sectors to reduce the effect of toxic chemicals on the environment, employees and consumers.
Degreasers, sanitisers and cleaning sprays for food facility sanitisation
Made from botanical extracts, Smart Surface Technologies’ ECOLOGY Organic Degreaser is formulated to breakdown grease and lift oils from surfaces. Its low-suds formula and natural ingredients mean that it is safe for humans, animals and the environment.
The ECOLOGY Organic Surface Sanitiser uses natural defence mechanisms to target and kill microorganisms. This organic-certified sanitiser is suitable for cleaning food contact areas where zero chemical residue and toxicity are required. The cleaning agent is formulated from specially selected botanic extracts.
Smart Surface Technologies’ ECOLOGY Organic Multi-Purpose Cleaner is suitable for everyday maintenance of hard surfaces, including glass. This organic cleaner is a spray-on-wipe-off, food-safe product that protects food preparation and serving surfaces from bacteria.
Eco-friendly hospital-grade disinfectants
Many eco-friendly or organic products do not work as well as hard-chemical alternatives. The ECOLOGY range does not compromise on power, cleaning and disinfecting hard-to-remove stains. Aussan Labs developed this high-performance range to meet the requirements of the food service, processing and hospitality industries.
The ECOLOGY Surface Sanitiser has a hospital-grade disinfectant rating with the Australian Therapeutic Goods Administration (ATG).
The sanitiser only targets microorganisms, penetrating the cell walls to kill them. It cannot harm more complex cellular lifeforms, meaning it is safe to use around animals.
Cleaning products that are 100% natural
The term ‘greenwash’ is used to describe the false marketing used by many cleaning products, claiming that their products are eco-friendly, biodegradable, and chemical-free. Unfortunately, big chemical companies sometimes make these claims when their products are only 90%-95% natural. That 5%-10% gap is often a toxic additive such as a preservative.
The ECOLOGY cleaning products are 100% natural, proven by an independent organic input certification. This documentation demonstrates that each ingredient is free from synthetic chemicals.
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